Golden Cosmic Light Activation (Mt Shasta Retreat)
to Sep 15

Golden Cosmic Light Activation (Mt Shasta Retreat)

  • Mount Shasta, CA USA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mt Shasta has long been known as a sacred site, hosting a vortex of powerful cosmic energies. As we come together ready to work in partnership with Divine Light Frequencies, we will enter a portal together of revealing our Higher Selves and of stepping into our collaborative Divine Destinies. Our intentions that are pure and heart-led will be amplified in the synergistic circle we will create together. We will journey to Sacred Sites as we receive, assimilate and anchor in Golden Cosmic Light Codes.

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Ho'ola Loa Basic Level Course
to Jul 17

Ho'ola Loa Basic Level Course

  • 19326 Brooktrail Lane Huntington Beach, CA, 92648 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Basic Level Hoʻōla Loa Workshop

(Energy re-alignment and Balancing)

Are you feeling called to practice as an energy healing practitioner. This class is ideal for those who have dipped their toes into the world of energy healing, maybe taken a class or two, or experienced a few sessions from a practitioner.

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Sound Journey
9:45 PM21:45

Sound Journey

We will be conducting meditations and vibrational healing methods using crystal bowls, vocal toning, and other healing instruments. If this is your first time, please feel free to message me to ask any questions ahead of time.

Please be mindful when committing. If you are unable to make it, cancel within 24 hours for another to attend.

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Womens Mini Retreat
to Dec 5

Womens Mini Retreat

We are perfect beings of love and light. Sometimes we forget and lose these parts of ourselves when we are living in survival mode from day to day.

This women-only overnight mini-retreat will be a deep dive into our own awakening DNA, and tapping into those parts that are transmitting Divine Love in and through this lifetime.

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Advanced Ho'ola Loa Course
to Oct 21

Advanced Ho'ola Loa Course

This workshop is for those that have completed the Basic Level Energy Healing (Ho'ola Loa) Course. This workshop focuses on understanding the 12 layers of DNA, DNA activation, Healing with Crystals and Tools, Understanding how emotions are tied to Physical Dis-Ease in the body, Distant Healing and Group Healing, and practitioner best practices.

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Healers Circle
12:00 PM12:00

Healers Circle

Gathering of all those that have completed the Ho’ola Loa Course. (Basic and Advanced). This is an opportunity for practitioners to practice on each other to awaken the skills and abilities within them so they can gain courage to work on others.

Notes: Family Members and other energy healing practitioners that would like to practice their modalities are welcome. We will be setting up under the large tree about 100 feet directly in front of the hula mound.

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Healers Circle
12:00 PM12:00

Healers Circle

Energy Re-alignment and Balancing Practice

Gathering of all those that have completed the Ho’ola Loa Course. (Basic and Advanced). This is an opportunity for practitioners to practice on each other to awaken the skills and abilities within them so they can gain courage to work on others.

Notes: Family Members and other energy healing practitioners that would like to practice their modalities are welcome. We will be setting up under the large tree about 100 feet directly in front of the hula mound.

Items to Bring:

Water, Chairs or Mat to sit on.

Anela will be bringing 1 massage table, and 12 x 12 tent.

(if others would like to bring tables or large tent, please message Anela directly to coordinate.

Free Event

(This is not a fee or donation based event. This is an event to assist each other in gaining confidence and abilities through practice and exchange of energy.

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Crystal Grid Workshop
to Sep 18

Crystal Grid Workshop

  • KAHI 'O KA HO'OLA (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this workshop we will gain a deeper understanding of concepts in combining crystals and patterns in order to create effective grid designs based on a specific need. We will activate our innate ability to see how energy flows in patterns, and understand how to activate our designs with Universal Life Force Energy. By working with these types of tools and combining certain crystals, we can amplify energy in ways that expand, focus, and emit spiritual energies.

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Sound Journey (Keiki and Makua)
9:30 PM21:30

Sound Journey (Keiki and Makua)

This session is for keiki and parents.

Sound frequency and mindfulness techniques for kids of all ages to engage in. A beautiful and enjoyable way to introduce them to meditation and mindfulness. This will be a 45 minute sound therapy session, where keiki (children) will lay with their makua (parent) and enjoy the many frequencies of vibrational sound. This will allow them to experience vibrational sounds they likely have never heard before and find a moment of peace.

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Group Meditation
8:00 PM20:00

Group Meditation

Right now on the planet, there is a lot of shifting going on. We will be taking time out to reconnect to our inner being and merging with our I Am Presence. We are a multidimensional beings. When we focus on being in the 5D state of consciousness, we bring through the energy of our souls authenticity. We are so much more than we can even imagine and when we start to tap into the fifth-dimensional states of consciousness, we bring forth higher vibrational frequencies into our body mind field complex which help us to feel more joy, peace, and love, and becomes a natural state of who we truly are. This gathering is open to Wahine and Kane

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Group Channeling Workshop
to Sep 11

Group Channeling Workshop

  • Kahi 'O Ka Ho'ola (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Channeling is a natural form of communication between humans and angelic beings, nature spirits, non-physical entities, or even animals and pets. Everyone has intuitive abilities to some degree. From a simple “gut instinct” to seeing future events. The more we practice, the more we develop our natural gifts over time.

In this workshop we will be connecting to Spirit Energy, Universal Knowledge and Spirit Guides through our own abilities. We will learn how to receive messages through channeling and tap into 7 different types of sensory aspects and see which ones are our strongest.

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Sound Journey (Adults Only)
10:00 PM22:00

Sound Journey (Adults Only)

This session is for adults only

(Children and parents are scheduled for the week prior and following week.)

Sound Therapy significantly reduces stress and anxiety, stimulates the immune system, brings forth deep relaxation which assists with lowering blood pressure and anger, realigns and balances energy bodies, relieves physical pain, and increases mental and emotional clarity.

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Healers Circle
12:00 PM12:00

Healers Circle

Energy Re-alignment and Balancing Practice

Gathering of all those that have completed the Ho’ola Loa Course. (Basic and Advanced). This is an opportunity for practitioners to practice on each other to awaken the skills and abilities within them so they can gain courage to work on others.

Notes: Family Members and other energy healing practitioners that would like to practice their modalities are welcome. We will be setting up under the large tree about 200 feet directly in front of the hula mound.

Items to Bring:

Water, Chairs or Mat to sit on.

Anela will be bringing 2 massage tables, and 12 x 12 tent.

(if others would like to bring tables or large tent, please message Anela directly to coordinate.

Free Event

(This is not a fee or donation based event. This is an event to assist each other in gaining confidence and abilities through practice and exchange of energy.

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Group Recalibration / Clearing /  Quantum Healing (Online)
10:00 PM22:00

Group Recalibration / Clearing / Quantum Healing (Online)

This will be an online session via zoom that encompasses healing on the quantum level . During this group session, I will be using a mix of Energy Healing Modalities that consist of DNA activation, energetic reorganization, energy restructuring and overall realignment. This will aid us to achieve a cleared vibrational frequency within the body, mind, field complex and help anchor in our I Am presence.

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Sound Journey (Keiki and Makua)
9:30 PM21:30

Sound Journey (Keiki and Makua)

This session is for keiki and parents.

Sound frequency and mindfulness techniques for kids of all ages to engage in. A beautiful and enjoyable way to introduce them to meditation and mindfulness. This will be a 45 minute sound therapy session, where keiki (children) will lay with their makua (parent) and enjoy the many frequencies of vibrational sound. This will allow them to experience vibrational sounds they likely have never heard before and find a moment of peace.

Confirmation email will be sent to you via email, a day prior to the event with instructions and directions to location.

$15 Donation (Makua Free)

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Sound Journey (Adults Only)
10:00 PM22:00

Sound Journey (Adults Only)

Every other Wednesday Evening in Kapolei 12 spots available. Sound therapy is an ancient technique that uses tonal frequencies to bring the body into a state of vibrational balance and harmony. Deep relaxation is one of the most significant benefits of sound therapy. It also balances the mental and emotional levels, helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and clears the mind which leads to a renewed sense of purpose, well-being, and inner peace.

$10 - $15 Donation

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Akashic Readings
8:00 PM20:00

Akashic Readings

Join us for an amazing evening of individual Akashic readings in a group setting. This is a 3 hour event. I will be conducting individual 15 minute readings, then present the group with information on how each person is connected through past lives.

$25 Donation

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Sound Journey (Keiki and Makua)
9:30 PM21:30

Sound Journey (Keiki and Makua)

Every other Wednesday Evening in Kapolei 12 spots available. Sound frequency and mindfulness techniques for kids of all ages to engage in. A beautiful and enjoyable way to introduce them to meditation and mindfulness. This will be a 45 minute sound therapy session, where keiki (children) will lay with their makua (parent) and enjoy the many frequencies of vibrational sound. This will allow them to experience vibrational sounds they likely have never heard before and find a moment of peace.

$10 - $15 Donation

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Healers Circle
12:00 PM12:00

Healers Circle

Energy Re-alignment Practice

Gathering of all those that have completed the Ho’ola Loa Course. (Basic and Advanced). This is an opportunity for practitioners to practice on each other to awaken the skills and abilities within them so they can gain courage to work on others.

Free Event

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Botanical Smudge Stick/Wand Workshop
to Aug 14

Botanical Smudge Stick/Wand Workshop

  • Kahi 'O Ka Ho'ola (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join us to create a magical Botanical Smudge Stick Wand . With Darla, who’s a Shamanic Practitioner and Lemurian Healer will assist you in creating beautiful smudge sticks made with herbs and flowers. You'll learn about the properties of each botanical element, foraging and sustainable practices, along with the history of healing through smudge wands. Some of the botanical elements we'll use and learn about include:
- Sage, Lauae fern, Lavender, Bay Leaves, Rosemary, hibiscus, and more!
In this class, all materials will be provided to make at least two smudge sticks with a selection of charms that you can attach to your wands. Hang your new wild and gorgeous creations on your wall or burn them with love and intention.

$25 Donation

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Sound Journey (Adults Only)
10:00 PM22:00

Sound Journey (Adults Only)

Every other Wednesday Evening in Kapolei 12 spots available. Sound therapy is an ancient technique that uses tonal frequencies to bring the body into a state of vibrational balance and harmony. Deep relaxation is one of the most significant benefits of sound therapy. It also balances the mental and emotional levels, helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and clears the mind which leads to a renewed sense of purpose, well-being, and inner peace.

$10 - $15 Donation

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Sound Journey (Keiki and Makua)
9:30 PM21:30

Sound Journey (Keiki and Makua)

Every other Wednesday Evening in Kapolei 12 spots available. Sound frequency and mindfulness techniques for kids of all ages to engage in. A beautiful and enjoyable way to introduce them to meditation and mindfulness. This will be a 45 minute sound therapy session, where keiki (children) will lay with their makua (parent) and enjoy the many frequencies of vibrational sound. This will allow them to experience vibrational sounds they likely have never heard before and find a moment of peace.

$10 - $15 Donation

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Sound Healing Journey
9:45 PM21:45

Sound Healing Journey

Every Wednesday Evening in Kapolei 12 spots available. Using sound, vibration and vocal toning to facilitate a healing.  Experience deep relaxation of both sides of the brain in order to stimulate stress relief on all levels and the elimination of toxins from the body. After Sound Therapy emotions are calm and the mind clearer, and the sound vibrations have effect on the body.        

$10 - $15 donation

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Workshop Crystals 101
to Jul 24

Workshop Crystals 101

  • Kahi 'O Ka Ho'ola (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Basic Understanding of Working with Crystals. If you’re a beginner at crystals or just want to learn the art of crystal loving, this class is for you! This class will teach you the basics of crystals. How to feel their vibrations and learn how to choose your special gemstones. We will walk you through how to cleanse, charge, activate and program your crystals. We will also cover the 4 body system and the crystals that enhance the energy flow in the body.

In person 10 Spaces Available and/or Zoom (unlimited spaces) Each week there will be a workshop facilitated by Anela.  On the 3rd week of the month a special guest will be asked to come and facilitate a class on various topics to do with assisting us with different tools to help us navigate through the "leveling up in consciousness" shift that we are currently going through.                              $20 donation  

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Sound Healing Journey
9:45 PM21:45

Sound Healing Journey

Every Wednesday Evenings in Kapolei 12 spots available. Using sound, vibration and vocal toning to facilitate a healing.  Experience deep relaxation of both sides of the brain in order to stimulate  stress relief on all levels and the elimination of toxins from the body. After Sound Therapy emotions are calm and the mind clearer, and the sound vibrations have effect on the body.        

$10 - $15 donation

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Basic Energy Healing Course
to Jul 18

Basic Energy Healing Course

In person (open to all)  Children 12 - 18 years old free. 10 Spots available. In this Basic Level Course, you will learn fundamental concepts  and techniques based upon ancient wisdom. In this modality, we learn how to use our focused intention to perceive the subtle energies in and around the human body and consciously direct the flow of high-vibrational energies to facilitate healing


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