Travel Blog
June 1st 2022, Leaving Hawai’i
Where on Earth is Anela and Be?
As many of you know, last year on May 31, 2022, Be and I sold our hale (house) and everything we own to embark on a journey into the “unknown”. We had no specific plans at the time yet felt the calling deeply. We decided to just go with the flow and entirely trust the universe and see where the “wind takes us”.
We started out in Ashland Oregon. I was offered to stay at my Reiki Masters house while she was away in Alaska. We took her up on the offer which was a beautiful place, both physically and energetically, to land. While we were there, every thing feel quiet. No workshops to facilitate, no healing sessions, no sound journeys… Just Be and I and our little pup Po. This gave us an opportunity to ground a bit and come back to self. We began to go hiking and took our Mother Pyramid out to do grid work and Hawai’i to the land in the states. (and this was just the beginning) ;)
On July 2022, we bought a small 25 Foot RV Motorhome (which we knew nothing about and began to venture out learning from our experiences. From there our journey began.
I realized last week that it has already been a year since we left home. In August we will make a year on the road. I didn’t journal all the places we visited or people we met during our first year on the road, but I did take a lot of pictures and have many memories. So far we have been to Oregon, Washington, California, Peru (the Amazon Jungle in Iquitos), Utah, Nevada, Colorado (where we spent Christmas with the kids and grandkids), Arizona, Texas, Iceland, Louisiana, Baja, California Sur, Mexico, Florida (where we visited B‘s brothers and my cousin), Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, (visiting my best friend and her husband), Virginia (as we visited our daughter at Vtech) and West Virginia. (wheeew thats a lot in one year!) As of today, we are in Wayne National Park, in Ohio continuing our journey north.
We met so many amazing people on our journey, almost too many to count. Everyone we met has just been amazing and we are learning so much about ourselves and the cultures we encounter. People always ask us, When are you guys going back home?.. What are you going to do after this? The answer? We have no idea. Right now we are enjoying the moments and allowing the Universe to guide us as we move through this vision quest.
What has been our favorite place? Every State, Country and location has its own special qualities… Every moment is our favorite.. even through the struggles we have endured.. it is all about the experiences and the freedom to roam. We learn so much about ourselves, each other and the world around us every day. Things we would never learn from a book so for now, the calling is to continue this journey and continue to grow…
Now that things have slowed down and we have a bit more time, I will be posting updates on the locations and experiences that we encounter. I just wanted to send out this email to say to ALL of you…MAHALO NUI LOA and I LOVE YOU! Thank you for being a part of our lives and supporting us with your aloha, your prayers and your love.. A Hui Hou!!! until next time.
Me Ke Aloha Pumehana,
Adams County, Ohio
June 25th - July 3rd 2023
Serpent Mound, Ohio
A couple days ago, Be and I headed out on an hour and a half drive to Serpent Mound, in Ohio. A few miles before we got there we both noticed a small sign that said “Crystal Shop”.. we said, let’s stop on our way back…
When we got to the Serpent Mound State Park we walked to the museum to pay our entrance fee and watch the video. It talked about burial sites from the different tribes.. 2 created by the Adena culture (800 B.C.–A.D. 100), and one by the Fort Ancient culture (A.D. 1000–1650). We felt like this would be the perfect place to begin our journey.. we went to the mounds and called upon the Creator, our ancestors and the spirits of the lands.. we began to honor the land Spirits, the ancients that walked these lands, the trees, rocks and elementals.. I felt there were souls that hadn’t quite crossed over and gave them an opportunity to “be in the Light” if they chose and helped them cross..
We then began our walk around the serpent mound.. when we got to the head of the serpent, I sat there for a little while asking to be guided by my Higher Self and receive information about the place and the ancients that came before me.. that’s when I received a powerful download.. connected humanity with our star family.. I was directed to 3 specific areas and each time I began to tap into ancient knowledge.. it was such an incredible experience..
When we got to the tail, I felt like I was standing on a powerful ley line.. I turned to look out over the trees and there was a mountain top.. I felt like it was a node, connecting specific pet lines to powerful places around earth.. I began to do a Violet flame heart activation and send it into the earth node and through the ley lines into the consciousness of all humanity.. asking for the heavenly realm to receive my medicine and allow it to travel into the hearts of every person on earth.. it was such a powerful experience.
After we were done, we walked back to the museum and I grabbed a few pamphlets.. not really looking at what it was, I folded them up and put them in my bag.. we continued to the burial mound and offered a prayer gratitude to the land spirits and the ancients for allowing us to be there and connect with them.. as we were leaving, I noticed a woman standing my the other mound offering Light language and running fork tones and vibrations.. I waved to thank her for her service to us all …
We got in the car and began to drive out of the park.. Be said, where do you want to go now? I told her that I grabbed a few pamphlets of the area and to grab them from my bag in the back seat.. she opened one of the magazines and said, let’s go here and pointed to an article about an asteroid crater.. we set our Google and headed to that direction.. low and behold it took us to the place we said we were going to stop by on our way back (which we totally forgot about) The Rock Shop!
We walked in and I immediately felt the energy around me shift.. there was a man named Thomas behind the counter and we greeted him with “Aloha”.. he said.. “aloha” and told us if we had any questions to just let him know.. Thomas is an author of 3 books.. his museum, House of Phacops (also known as the Alternate Universe Rock Shop), is opened daily and has fossils and trilobites from around the world.. Tom Johnson conducts workshops for universities in the serpent mound impact crater. He does private tours as well. We were fascinated by all the artifacts and stones.. he then said.. “I know a woman from Hawai’i.. she came here about 6-7 years ago to do a water ceremony at the Serpent Mound” I got chicken skin from head to toe.. he said, “her is name is A’ia’i.. I almost fell over.. I said.. yes I know her.. wow! Small world.. we began talking and he started to tell me a bit about the significance of the Serpent Mound (not knowing that we just came from there). Then a Native American wahine walked in named Terri (his wife). They both began to tell us stories of what they do and telling us the significance of the area and the sacredness of the waters below the mound. I couldn’t believe what was unfolding.. Terri offered a healing song for us and she sang to our energy centers.. I could feel the expansion happening in each center.. wow! What a beautiful gift.. Terri offered to take us to the sacred waters to do ceremony and connect with the water spirits and the land spirits.. I was soooo grateful! Terri gifted us her CD and we listened to it all the way back to our camp.. The next day we met up with her and she drove us to the location.. we asked her if we could offer 3 oli.. one for the ancestors .. for for Laka the forest goddess.. and one for the waters and the water spirits.. she excitedly let us offer it.
She began to guide us down the trail to the waters.. the leaves on the trees began to dance and were so excited to see her and that she brought friends.. and as we passed specific places, she introduced us to her friends.. her tree friends.. rock friends and had us give offerings.. I felt so honored to be a part of the present moment and all that was unfolding.. we got down to the waters and she began to sing.. her soft, beautiful, angelic was heard in the ethers.. I could feel the energy begin to stir around us like a soft hug.. everything became completely silent, as the birds stopped talking for a moment to hear her prayers.. the winds began to gently blow and the birds began to sing along with her.. she took us to the rock people and allowed us to introduce ourselves and give honi.. she asked us to do E Ho Mai again for the pōhaku and said it really liked that one.. we sang and embraced the pōhaku.. once we were done she called us over for a water blessing and told us how she saw us in our true form.. then she told us it was our turn to do her.. what a beautiful exchange.. it wasn’t her taking us on this journey.. it was all of us becoming One taking it together.. I began to center myself and connect inward.. I saw Terri for the magnificent being that she was.. she carried all 12 rays within her.. she was an ancient soul and carried the cosmic codes within her from Pleiadian, Sirius and Arcturian.. she carries the codes of the Elohim and the celestials to activate all peoples she comes in contact with during this lifetime.. her heart carried the Violet flame and her womb was surrounded by the blue rose and pink rose.. she was of the Mary Magdalen lineage.. she was a Star Mother.. she came to earth to teach the Mu people about the plants and how to elevate energy and frequency with sound through tones and vibrations. She had a long lifetime in Mu.. It was then that I recognized her soul and began to cry with deep remembrance and gratitude to meet again in this moment..
When we were done, we walked down the river through the waters.. (well I had to swim a bit because the water was too deep ) I realized how important each step was.. Terri guided us down the river as we talked story and I could feel the shifting of the waters with each step she took.. the waters embraced her.. the trees once again danced.. and the birds sang the most beautiful tunes.. once we reached the end, we all walked up the embankment and back to her car.. she told me that if I wanted to sing with my crystal bowl at the water, she wouldn’t mind and would be waiting in the car..
Be and I went back to the water.. me with my whale bowl in hand and Be with her rattle.. we played.. we toned.. we honored all life.. may the waters within activate all that is needed for each person on earth as it Carrie’s the songs and prayers from the ancestors from the beginning of creation..
It was a beautiful day indeed.. we were completely Divinely guided to connect with these 2 beautiful souls.. it continues to teach me to trust the process and be present.. however the day unfolds.. allow it because you never know who may cross your path .
To learn more about Thomas and Terri, you can go to these websites.
See video below shared by Terri doing her sacred work with people all over the world
Dryden, Michigan
July 3 - 16th 2023
Ohana Time..
During our travels, I have been making it a point to visit family, distant and not so distant, in every state we visit.. Be and I just spent the past 10 days visiting my sisters dad in Michigan..(yes “my sisters dad”.. read that again long story.. )
When I was young (about 5 or 7 years old) her dad would fly her from Hawai’i to Michigan to visit him and would also buy me a ticket and allow me to visit as well. I didn’t have too many memories of these visits.. just small snippets and I don’t know him too well, yet he would send me and my kids birthday and Christmas cards each year. In 2014, he came to Hawai’i to visit my sister and they spent Christmas Day with the kids and I. So I made it a point to visit him on this trip… and I am so glad I did.
We spent about 10 days with him and I just wanted to learn more about who he was as a person and his life.. I found out that he was a Vietnam vet.. that he served in the Navy for 13 years.. he told us about all the submarines he was on and his times at sea.. he shared that he was married 3 times and shared stories and memories that he had of each relationship including the one with my mom.. he shared that my sister had a sister.. (which my sister never met and I never knew for the entire 49 years of my life!) he shared a few memories of my mom that I didn’t know about and I was just fascinated by all the stories he shared. He took us around to meet his family, neighbors and friends in his life. Introducing us both as his Hawaiian Daughters that are retired military veteren’s. They would all kind of cock their heads in wonder thinking “how did it all happen” and he would say, “that’s the best thing about being in the Navy, you can help populate the earth through all cultures at each port” and we would laugh and leave it at that allowing people to wonder and create their own story in their minds.. lol
We really don’t have anything in common and his views on life are completely different from mine.. but it didn’t seem to matter.. the more he talked, the more I wanted to listen.. to learn… to just be there and be present in every moment.. I ended up extending our stay, and just enjoying his company.. showing him love and compassion.. letting him know that he mattered and that I honored him for all his accomplishments and experiences in life..
This trip taught me that we don’t have to have things in common with people or share our beliefs and opinions with family.. we always think people need to understand us or be on the same “level” in order to have a peaceful, meaningful relationship.. but the truth is.. people just want share who they are.. for others to listen.. to be acknowledged… to just enjoy having company.. it was an amazing 10 days.. just being present.. in each moment.. allowing whatever experience was happening to just happen and be in the flow of it all..
I learned that we take life for granted because we spend so much time judging others beliefs that we distance ourselves.. we get caught up in our own beliefs and opinions and try so hard to get others to understand our lives but we never sit long enough to just enjoy others as they are with their beliefs, opinions and ways of living.. a few years ago I would have only stopped in for a day or so just to say I visited and went on with my life.. today, I just want to be present and learn all I can about others in my life.. especially family.. because we never know when it will be their last day in earth and we will never get the chance again..
I decided to share this experience because we all have so many “wish I, should of would of’s” in life.. if you have the opportunity to share a bit of time with someone you haven’t really gotten to know in your family.. or haven’t spent time with in your life, now is that time.. don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about them and to just listen and be present.. it may really make a difference in someone’s life and yours as well.
Illinois (Mississipi River)
July 17th - 21st 2023
One of my intentions on this traveling journey is to meet or spend time with every family member I have in the states. Many of my ohana have left Hawai’i over the years and traveling was too expensive to visit.
While traveling through Illinois, I thought it would be a great idea to contact my Aunty that lives here who I haven’t seen since I was young. I was excited to hopefully connect and spend a few moments with ohana.
I got her number from my cousin and called her to see if she was located near the area that we were in. Turned out she was 5 hours away. I told her that we would be back in the spring and would come by then to see her and the rest of the ohana and she told me, “no.. I don’t think you should.” I was a little shocked and my heart sank at that moment. I didn’t know how to respond so I sat silent on the other end of the phone.. she began to say, “my heart hurts.. but I cannot condone your lifestyle.. it is not right and goes against the Bible and Jesus teachings..” tears began to fill my eyes.. this was the first time I was ever rejected by someone in my ohana because of my relationship with my wife.. I took a deep breath as she continued talking and I could feel her pain.. she was deeply conflicted.. I told her that I understood and that I would never ask her to not be in her truth.. that I honored her for being truthful with me and that I loved her very much and respected her beliefs..
After I hung up the phone I sat for a few moments and prayed for her and our family.. it reminded me that we all have our deeply rooted beliefs and sometimes they get in the way of making beautiful connections with people because we tend to hold those beliefs at the forefront which blocks our own nature of Divine Love. I began to look within and think about how I am blocking connections to people because their truth may not align fully with my truth.. I began to pray and set an intention for my own path.. “May I always walk the path of love and allow people to be who and what they are without judgement.. “
This experience was needed.. it helped me root deeper into my own truth while also allowing me to look within to see if I have limiting beliefs lingering within that is blocking me from connecting with others around me..
Things in life will not always be as we want them to and not everyone in life will accept us.. but that doesn’t mean we are not worthy and it doesn’t mean we have to change in order to be loved.. situations like this gives us the opportunity to really take a look at our own values and root deeper into who we are and our own beliefs… while at the same time, still loving and honoring those that think or believe differently then we do.
I love my Aunty.. and I honor and respect her beliefs.. and I appreciate her teaching me that no matter what others believe about us, we can still love them without judgement and be at peace with ourselves.
Iowa, Harvest Preserve
July 25th - 28th
Be and I were looking for sacred places in Iowa and stumbled upon this beautiful piece of land called the Harvest Preserve.
The preserve is a spiritual sanctuary in Iowa City, Iowa.. on the website it is noted to be “a holy ground where invited guests may quietly commune with whatever aspect or manifestation of the Divine they find personally appealing.”
The land holds prehistoric standing stones from Indonesia in various locations, to include a Sacred Stone Circle of dating back to 4,000 years ago…
History: In 2001 the residents of the island in Indonesia decided to get rid of them, prompted by the Taliban’s destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas of Afghanistan.
That’s when Doug and Linda felt the calling to buy land and turn it into a non profit foundation called Harvest Preserve, to honor their sacredness and create this amazing sanctuary.. Doug says “if you send a line straight down through the center of the earth from Iowa, the nearest land mass on the other side is Indonesia” so Doug thought “maybe there is some connection between the two places.”
As we walked the land, we discovered a set of 7 stones.. Be and I walked up to the display which was called “Relationships” and realized they were positioned exactly like the Makali’i The Seven Sisters” ( there were 7 stones in total) and when I checked my star app, Pleiades was directly above us. Wow! It was an incredible moment for me. At that moment I felt like I needed to connect with Lono-i-ka-makahiki and offer prayers and gratitude for the abundance that we have been receiving throughout the year during our travels.
We walked further and came upon 12 stones that were erected in 2 circles.. This was the Sacred Stone Circle. We spent some time honoring the stones and the connections they had to the spirits of the land. I walked up to each stone and exchanged Hā asking them to activate the ‘ike and mana’o within my DNA to support me on my journey.. Be and I sat in the center, back to back, and meditated.. then we began offering prayers to humanity to assist us in our evolution and asking that each individual on the planet find their own Divinity within.. we then gave thanks to the bird, plant, rock, animal and water kingdoms for all they have provided us on our journey.. when we were done, I stood up and took in a few deep breaths, honoring the moment we just had.. and I looked down at my feet and noticed a hawk feather.. I smiled because I knew it was a gift from my mom from the other side and thanked her for guiding me. All the sudden I felt a wave of Divine Love pass through me and around me and I knew it was my ancestors, as a collective, letting me know they support me and are always there.
What an amazing opportunity to find this sanctuary and be allowed to be here in this sacred space.. truly grateful.
To read more about the stones and the land and this amazing story, click here..
Crazy Horse, Monument
August 22, 2023
After visiting Mako Sica “Badlands”, Be and I decided to head towards the western part of South Dakota, to Oniya Oshoka, where the earth “breathes inside.” This place is known today as Wind Cave, referred to in modern Lakota as Maka Oniye or “breathing earth.” At our campsite, we met a neighboring couple and they told us that the cave tours were closed. They informed us that 25 minutes away, was a place called “Crazy Horse” We felt like it was guidance from above to go and visit the Mountain and it was not a coincidence that this couple was guiding us there so we began our journey.
When we got there, we were amazed at the history of this place.. we walked through the entire museum and was so excited to see that it was dedicated solely to the Native Americans and their history.. there were pictures on the walls with names of Natives from multiple tribes and stories honoring their roles on earth during their lifetimes. We walked to the back to the education center and looked around. Right away we noticed a man tucked in the corner with a display of art. I began to look at each painting and was amazed at the detail. The paintings seemed to pull at the core of my being.. I told him that his paintings were amazing and he began to explain each one. His name was Daryl “No Heart”
He began to tell his story.. he was a survivor of an Indian School. When he was 6 years old, he and his siblings (older sister and younger brother) were taken from his parents by the authorities and taken to the “Indian Schools”. They told him that he was not allowed to speak to his sister or brother. This made him very sad for they were all he had.. each day he would see his little brother across the field crying.. he didn’t want to get in trouble for talking to him so he drew a picture, folded it up into a paper airplane, and flew it across the field to his little brother. When his brother opened it, he smiled.. Daryl was so happy to see his smile so he decided to draw a picture for him everyday.. his brothers smile inspired his artistic talent.. throughout Daryl’s life, he continued drawing and painting to tell stories of dreams and visions he received.. people asked him to put them up in galleries but he declined.. he didn’t want to commercialize his art.. he just wanted to paint his visions and felt that the people who felt drawn to the painting, would be the one meant to have it..
He painted a few murals. One in particular is on the second story wall of Bear Butte State Park.. We sat with Daryl for about 3 hours that day.. as I listened intentionality, tears ran down my face.. just listening to his life and honoring him for all the trials he had been through.. his artwork really hit home for me and the stories behind each one.. it was such an honor to be in his presence and to hear a true story of history that we don’t receive in our history books.. yet here we were.. hearing it first hand from a survivor…. (He never called himself a victim.. he said “I am an orphan.. an Indian school SURVIVOR.. I am not a bad person.. I don’t drink.. I don’t break the law.. I am a good man… despite the trials I have been through..” and that he definitely was..
We didn’t get to see the entire layout of “Crazy Horse,” but I really feel that we received exactly what we were supposed to from this place.. a heart to heart connection, filled with aloha, understanding and compassion. I was so amazed by his story, and the visions that were brought to life through his paintings that we felt we needed to go drive to see this beautiful mural.. mind you.. the drive was an hour and 45 minutes away.. lol.. it was completely worth it.. so today.. I honor Daryl “No Heart” and his stories.. I honor his strength, courage and his heart… I honor his wisdom that he shared through his life experiences and I am grateful to have the opportunity to know this beautiful man. To me from this moment on, his name is Strong Heart “Daryl”
Bear Butte, South Dakota
August 22, 2023
After leaving Crazy Horse Monument, Be and I decided to travel to Bear Butte State park to see Daryl No Heart’s mural that he painted. We didn’t really have gas to go here but something was tugging at me and Be’s hearts and we felt like we needed to see it.
When we got there, I looked at the mountain range and it looked exactly like Kūkaniloko!!! The only thing was that her head was facing the opposite direction. I could see it t clearly!! At that moment I felt a warmth come over me and I knew we were “guided” here for a reason. We paid the $8 fee and proceeded to information center. As we approached the building, there were 2 Native elders sitting outside. We told them the story of Daryl and Kūkaniloko, and they told us that this was a very sacred mountain to his peoples.. we were in awe of all that that happened with the connections of all the people we met along the way that were “message carriers” that guided us here.. One of the men’s names was Mike.. something about his Spirit was very powerful and wise.. he reminded me of my hānai dad.. He told us that we could go in a look around at the history decorated of various Native stories along the walls.. I was in complete amazement.. Mike pointed out a name on the wall that looked familiar to me and I said, “wow! He was one of the Dakota 38.. (a story that we learned along our route from descendants of those involved) at that moment a younger man walked in and said, “sisters.. I am giving this to you to offer to our sacred mountain.. I received this as a gift from someone from Hawai’i and I feel I need to give it to you so you can offer it here..” it was a small pouch of pa’akai!! Tears filled my eyes.. I could not believe what was unfolding.. I told him that we had a sacred mountain just like this one called Kūkaniloko.. “he said.. I just feel I need to give this to you so you can offer it here.. what are the chances that we met him here at this moment? What are the chances that he had it in his pocket during that exact moment of our visit? What were the chances that this mountain was sacred with a wahine laying down like our sacred mountain.. a birthing place..!! I was speechless and at that moment I knew were were Divinely guided here.. I didn’t know why.. and I didn’t want to question it.. I was just in complete gratitude that we were lead here and trusted that all was in perfect alignment.. I hugged him and said “mahalo nui loa” those were the only words I could find for my appreciation..
Mike told us that we could go upstairs to see Daryls painting.. we went upstairs to see it and I was just amazed.. it was a great honor to read the story out loud.. we went back downstairs and Mike offered to watch Pō while we journeyed to the mountain.. we didn’t want to inconvenience him so we kept her in the car with the AC running..
As we reached the bottom of the trail, Be and I introduced ourselves and called upon our ancestors to walk with us.. we asked the Spirits for permission and a huge gust of wind came and we watched and the leaves shook on the trees as a welcoming.. we walked about 100 feet up and a snake crossed our path and ver so slowly.. we took it as a sign of protection, wisdom, and a rebirth that was about to occur..
We walked up the mountain about half way and there were prayer ties all along the route.. I began to pray as I walked the earth.. asked for each one to be lifted up to the heavens and answered.. I felt sadness, pain, joy, love, and empowerment all at the same time.
When Be and I got to the location that we felt was the perfect place, we began to say the hoʻoponopono prayer and ask for forgiveness.. we then began to oli and started with E Ho Mai.. as soon as we finished the first round, a huge gust of wind came and almost knocked me over.. I literally had to step back.. the ancestors were here in full force.. I could feel them in the thousands.. we said a few more oil then sang Oli Mahalo.. gentle winds blew full of Divine love.. at this point we could not hold back our tears.. we were truly grateful.. we did our offering and said a prayer for Humanity, the. Slowly began our descent down the mountain. When we got to the bottom, Mike was there in the parking lot.. we thanked him and hugged him and he told us a few stories about his life.. wow.. what a remarkable man he was.. another Bringer of Light to the world through his life experiences.. at that moment I honored his soul and thanked him in prayer for volunteering to be here on earth during these times. Be felt it too and told him.. “you are going to help people heal their traumas.. you have a deep purpose”
As we drive back to our camp, 2 hours away, I was wondering how we would get back.. we had $11 in our bank account and no money for gas.. I figured I would just put $10 and see how far it got us.. when we got to the gas station, I check the account and there was $311 in the account.. I couldn’t believe it.. I looked and my daughter had paid us back after a year (which I totally forgot about and wasn’t expecting).. at that moment I knew without a doubt, we had a purpose for being there.. I called her in tears.. thanking her and telling her the story.. she said.. “wow.. it was all meant to be..
So with this story.. I ask you to trust in the higher purpose.. even if we don’t know what that is or it hasn’t been revealed.. follow the clues and the messages that come through and I truly believe without a doubt that you will be fully supported.