Healing Tools Overview
Crystal Bowls
The Human body is made up of trillions of cells that connect with and communicate with one another for the Human body to work in Homeostasis. Each cell vibrates at a certain frequency. During our lifetime, we get so bombarded with other types of frequencies, such as cell phones, televisions, radio waves, gamma rays, people, etc., that can cause our cellular vibrations to suffer. When our cells suffer, it affects our mood and emotional level.
There is a way for our cells to recalibrate and go back to their necessary functioning frequency. You have probably heard of Crystal Sound Bath Workshops. Crystal Sound Bowls are making a strong and necessary re-emergence in the Spiritual Communities across the planet, helping people to balance mind, body, heart, and spirit.
1.) Reduces Stress
2.) Reduces and Pain
3.) Helps with Depression
4.) Lowers Blood Pressure
5.) Reduces Anxiety
6.) Improves Blood Circulation
7.) Helps Anger to Subside
8.) Helps improve concentration
9.) Helps with Deep Meditative states
It is a know fact that crystals and gems have some sort of treatment properties. Crystals can channelize the energy into the right direction and encourage positivity. Crystal healing is an alternative medical technique in which crystals and other stones are used to cure ailments and protect against disease. Proponents of this technique believe that crystals act as conduits for healing — allowing positive, healing energy to flow into the body as negative, disease-causing energy flows out.
Vocal toning means using your voice to harmonize and balance your cells and your energetic pathways. Whereas chanting mantras and songs (also known to heal, open and harmonize) uses rhythm, vocal toning is known for its steady state of one tone per exhale. The human voice is a sacred source of sound vibration and can bring additional power to healing work. Vocal toning has unique frequencies that can only come through vocal cords regardless of the tone or pitch used.